Sorry that I cannot type in Thai because my computer have something wrong. I have my questions as following . Please answer me in Thai. Thank you
1. Is it true that Pulsed dye laser ( v-beam) is more effective than IPL and other lasers in treating red blemishes from inflammatory acnes. I have read this from sources which claim that they can heal in just few times approximately 2-3 times compared with IPL which requires much more times of treatment?
2. Can dark spot ( Roi Dum ) be also treated by V-beam?
3. Which branch of Rajdhevee Clinic in which V-beam is available?
4. How much for each shot for v-beam ? If I want to be treated for just particular positions not the whole face , Can I do that?
5. How much has each shot width ? Is the area of each shot
the same as IPL or v-beam smaller?
Thanh you Dr. . If you answer thoroughly and clearly, I would appreciate that.